Boca Ticket Printer – Erratic Cut Position

If your ticket printer is cutting the tickets in all different areas then check out this article.

There are could be any number of reasons for erratic cut position. Please make sure to check all of these below items.

  1. Defective Ticket Stock
    Have you tried another roll of ticket stock?
  2. Check the Paper Guide
    The Paper Guide needs to be flush with the ticket stock to keep it from moving left and right.
  3. Clean off the Opto Eye
    If you look under the ticket stock, you will see a green computer chip that has an “eye” on top. This is the area you would blow off with a can of air
  4. Clean the Print Head
    See document “Boca Ticket Printer – Cleaning the Thermal Print Head
  5. Clean the Platen Roller
    See document “Boca Ticket Printer – Cleaning the Platen Roller