Boca Printer Firmware – Which Version to Install

Best way to determine which firmware you’ll need is to print a self-test ticket and look at the firmware it currently has.

“G” version firmware may be downloaded to a printer that has “G” version or lower (F,E,D,C,B or A).

Download Version G

“M” version firmware can only be downloaded to a printer that has “M” version already.

Download Version M

“N” version firmware can only be downloaded to a printer that has “N” version already.\

Download Verison N

Boca Printer Firmware Update

Open “Configure And Test” application via the Windows Search Bar. <See Image Below>

If this program is not installed on your computer follow the instructions at to install the application.

Once open, complete the following steps:

Select Printer Driver in the top-left corner of the application.

Select the Boca printer from the Devices menu and press OK

Printer State should be green and state “Printer Ready”. Click on Update Firmware.

Make sure you have the correct Firmware file downloaded to this computer. If you need to know which Firmware to install visit Boca Printer Firmware – Which Version to Install

Locate the recently downloaded .bin Firmware file and press open. The printer will begin to download the new Firmware and update. This will take about a minute and you’ll know its loaded when you hear the printer reset.

Close the Configure and Test application once complete. Login to and “View” an upcoming event. On the right click Customize Tickets.

Select which qrCode make the most sense for your event and click Update Format.

Click “Print Hard Ticket” to get a Test ticket with a QR Code.

Verify that the following items are shown on the ticket.

If the printer ticket does not match what is shown above contact

Facebook Pixel Information

FB Track Type Description
Lead This will be fired when they visit the public event page.
InitiateCheckout When a customer starts the order process this will display either where they pick a price level or where they select the quantity. It will only be displayed once during the order process.
AddToCart Once tickets have been added into the users order to complete the checkout this will be fired. It will either display on the first one of the following pages that they view which depends on their order type that is selected. This will only be displayed once during their order process.
  • selectaseat.php
  • login.php
  • addons.php
  • shipping.php
  • ticketnames.php
  • playercard.php
  • billing.php
AddPaymentInfo This will be fired when they are on the page that is asking them to insert their payment info event if AddToCart is displayed at the same time. This will only be displayed once during their order process.
Purchase (value/currency) Once their order has been completed we will fire off the Purchase tag and pass through the variables of the value (amount of their order) and the currency (USD). This will only be displayed once even if they reload the thanks page multiple times.