Getting the purchased ticket list for your event.

Here we will show you how to run the report to get a list of everyone that has purchased a ticket and their ticket number. This is a low tech way to have a list and mark peoples names off the list as they arrive.

  1. To start navigate to the main event page
  2. On the left of the page in the Event Navigation bar select report
  3. To view the purchased ticket list for printing select your preferred file type or to email the report select “email report”
  4. If you would like the report automatically mailed to you select”add automated”From here you are able to choose if you want a monthly, weekly, or daily

If you would like to receive this report just the night of your event, you can select Once from the drop down menu and then you will see a new option appear to take the event off Advance Sale. This will take the event off sale so nobody else can purchase and then email you the report.