Place an order to be picked up at a location

If you would like to place an order for Consignment, Comp, Promo or any other type of order where you are able to pick them up at one of our venue’s or outlets this article will show you how to complete that.

  1. First step is to click Order Tickets in one of two red boxes.
  2. Next you will click Print Hard Tickets.
  3. From there you will put an amount of ticket sin quantity and click hold for pickup, and choosing a payment method.
  4.  In the blue box it will show tickets selected to have printed, in the red box you will put why you are having tickets printed,and who is picking them up. At the very bottom you will let pick where you want to get your tickets printed. 
  5. Very last you will be putting the purchase information in the red boxes,and the blue box will finish the process. *** Most pickup locations do not print until you arrive. Please show up ahead of time from when you need the tickets, as more tickets take longer to print.***