Creating a Newsletter / eBlast for ticket purchasers

Trying to market your upcoming event to your past ticket buyers? Learn how to go through and send out an email to everyone that has ever purchased tickets to any of your events.

  1. In the Stubwire backoffice, click on Marketing on the Dashboard.
  2. Click on Newsletter.
  3. Select Add Newsletter.
  4. Name the Newsletter (this is just a name for your records, and will NOT appear in the subject line of the newsletter). You will then select the client name in the drop down (If you work with more than one account). Click Next
  5. Choose which type of newsletter you want to send (descriptions next to the type).
  6. Here you will enter the subject (this is the subject line that will show in the email, keep this brief). You will also fill in the body of the message and if you have multiple events you will be able to spotlight, feature particular events of your choice.
  7. You will see an example of the newsletter here. If there are no changes to be made, click on “mark as ready to send”. If changes are needed click “edit”.
  8. Click “add emails”.
  9. Select “All emails client can access.
  10. Select either the Newsletter client or if you have access to multiple client accounts, select from the drop down.
  11. If you are ready to send the email, select “Send Newsletter”. If you would like to wait till another time to send the newsletter you can exit.