How to Manage Permissions

Every action that is performed on StubWire has an individual permission assigned to it. This gives you the maximum flexibility to only allow your employees to do exactly what you want them to.
Every action that is performed on StubWire has an individual permission assigned to it. This gives you the maximum flexibility to only allow your employees to do exactly what you want them to

  1. Login to the Back Office and go to Admin -> Permissions
  2. This screen list’s out all the permission groups you have access to. The groups with no name are our Global Groups which are there for you to copy into your own specialized groups.
  3. Type in the name of the group you are creating and then select an existing group of permissions you would like to copy.
  4. Now that you have the group created, you can then click on the ASSIGNED RIGHTS to manage the individual rights that this group has.
  5. You can now remove the rights you don’t want this group to have, along with adding new rights.